100% Placements for qualified students
Scholarships for toppers
Fee concession for needy
Pre-primary learning capitalizes on the nature of children to be active, curious and inquisitive through exploration in a warm and conducive environment. They became fascinated learners. Strong foundation on which an individual with boundless potential is going to thrive in his/her future is laid in a pre-primary ecosystem.
Those who are interested to begin their career as an early childhood instructor...
Those who are working as teachers at present and who are interested to up-grade
Those who are interested to become an effective teacher for their ward at home
Pre-primary learning capitalizes on the nature of children to be active, curious and inquisitive through exploration in a warm and conducive environment. They became fascinated learners. Strong foundation on which an individual with boundless potential is going to thrive in his/her future is laid in a pre-primary ecosystem.
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